Maya Abdominal Therapy

When you are not at home in your body, it’s hard to participate fully in your life. 

Fertility challenges, digestive issues, pregnancy discomforts, menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalances, back pain and prolonged recovery periods from childbirth or surgery distract us from being present for others and the things that matter most to us. 

Becoming grounded, centered and free to enjoy life is connected with our physical states and how we relate to them. Emotions and trauma can get stored in the body. In extreme situations, inattention to pain and symptoms (the body’s languages) can lead to dis-ease and chronic conditions. 

When we listen to the body’s wisdom, a spring of vitality, connectedness and well-being becomes available.

Western medicine doesn’t have all of the answers or meet all of our needs. It tends to focus on sickness rather than health, treatment rather than prevention, and diagnosis rather than addressing the root cause or lifestyle and environmental influences. Many people find it difficult to fit into that one-size-fits-all system and look to alternative and complementary modalities.

We can benefit from an approach that is empowering, not pathologizing. One that takes all of our ways of being into account.

Wellness involves consideration of how female (and other) bodies, needs, moods, hormones change with the season of our lives, the year and even throughout the month. It also recognizes and engages the innate healing capacity of the body.

Many people are familiar with acupuncture, ayurveda and chiropractic but there is another system of healing with hundreds (if not thousands) of years of development and generations of case studies that supports both reproductive and digestive wellness. In this tradition, the health of our center radiates outward and is connected to our inner source of balance, healing and power. 

Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®

If a woman’s uterus is out of balance, so is she. — Don Elijio Ponti, H’men

Arvigo Therapy®  or Abdominal Therapy is a holistic modality that has its roots in the ancient Maya healing practice of abdominal massage that is time-tested, safe and effective. It blends ancient wisdom with modern scientific knowledge of anatomy and physiology, along with the contributions of Dr. Rosita Arvigo. Powerful, yet gentle (and relaxing), it addresses a variety of concerns and symptoms to support healing and enhance well-being. 

When you schedule a session, I bring a deep knowledge of embodiment, intuition and experience in several complementary modalities. I have done specialized trainings with Dr. Rosita Arvigo for pregnancy, traveled to Belize to learn advanced techniques in Maya Abdominal Therapy and to Mexico to learn la manteada rebozo (large shawl), as well as bodywork techniques from traditional sobradoras and parteras (midwives). 

In addition to birthwork, my knowledge stems from the study of hands-on experiential anatomy as a yoga teacher, Thai Massage teacher’s assistant and Craniosacral Therapy practitioner.

Beautiful woman enjoying a summer day on the beach. Caucasian female having a great time on her vacation.

With Abdominal Therapy, I help you come home to yourself, inhabit your body and rise to your life.

Sessions are much more than a massage and include a thorough intake process, bodywork on belly and back, instruction in self-care application, counseling and recommendations for supplemental therapies that may include: castor oil packs, bajos (vaginal/yoni steam), herbs or use of the faja (abdominal support) which may also be available as part of your session. 

Some treatments can be supplemented with Craniosacral Therapy, La Manteada ~ Rebozo Treatment and Spinning Babies Techniques depending on the needs of the client and available space.  

Clients may come for any of the following reasons:

  • reproductive issues
  • fertility awareness and enhancement
  • pregnancy or birth preparation
  • baby in breech position
  • post-dates pregnancy
  • postpartum recovery
  • postsurgical healing and reduce scar tissue 
  • recovery from abdominal surgery or Cesarean
  • pelvic organ prolapse
  • incontinence, frequent UTI
  • chronic yeast infections
  • fibroids, polyps
  • PCOS
  • hormonal imbalances
  • painful periods, irregular cycles
  • lower back pain and muscular tension
  • digestive disorders
  • support detoxification
  • stress reduction
  • strengthen immune system
  • general vitality & wellness
  • dis-placed uterus
  • re-connect to their center/womb
  • post-abortion or miscarriage 
  • menopause

Schedule Your Session

Please email to inquire about scheduling and making appointments in San Francisco and Berkeley, to get updates on pop up clinic days around new and full moons or to be added to the waitlist for when appointments become available. Potential new clients can request a free 15-20 minute consultation.

Special arrangements can be made to accommodate clients when timing is sensitive around late stages of pregnancy and fertility treatments. Home visits are available by special request based. An additional travel fee will apply.

We’ll generally have to either wait for your appointment or modify it during the first three days of menses, before 20 weeks of pregnancy or when you have an IUD. Of course, feel free to check in about any of these. 

I have a strict 48 hour cancellation policy.

First/Initial Session with intake (approx 2 hours) – $300

Follow Up Session (approx 60-75 minutes) – $175

Special Prices & Packages

First/Initial Session with intake portion in advance via Zoom – $250

Three Session Package for new clients including intake and Four Session Package for existing clients – $550

Single Special Session with abbreviated intake for post-date pregnancy, mal-positioned/breech baby, doulas and birthworkers who are curious about the work (approx. 90 minutes) – $200

*Deluxe Pregnancy Package (includes one intake session, 10 sessions with la manteada rebozo and pelvic balancing between 20-40 weeks of pregnancy, 3 sessions in your home during the first 6 weeks postpartum with closing the bones ceremony and bajos or mother roasting plus free weekly session if still pregnant beyond 40 weeks, that’s a total of 14-16 sessions, inquire ahead for availability before booking) – $3000

BIPOC and clients of Mayan descent – 15% discount on full fee (not including packages, add-ons or other discounted services)

Additional services (fee represents full session add-on/stand alone)

includes optional free uterine meditation and/or music for deep rest to accompany treatments, aromatherapy, and closing ritual

Bajos or Pelvic/Perineal/Vaginal/Yoni Steam (30 minutes) – $60/90

Castor Oil Packs with relaxation treatment (30 minutes) – $60/90

Combined Bajos and Castor Oil Treatment (60 minutes) – $100/$150

La Manteada Rebozo with pelvic balancing and Spinning Babies techniques (approx 30-45 minutes) $60 combined with any other treatment/$120 as stand alone

Craniosacral Therapy (approx 60 minutes) $150 for adults/$100 for infants/$150-$200 for parent & baby with lactation counseling

*Closing the Bones Ceremony w/TCM Mother Roasting or Bajos (in home, 1.5 – 2.5 hours) – Price TBD